4520 Hillsborough Rd, Durham NC 27705, USA
4520 Hillsborough Rd, Durham NC 27705, USA
One part of your car that you need to work correctly at all times are the brakes. You need to know the warning signs to look out for to fix brake problems early on when they are easy to repair and before they become a safety hazard. Get familiar with the following warning signs so you can visit a mechanic immediately.
If you notice a burning sort of smell in your car, it could be the brakes. Pay attention to when the odor happens to get a better idea of the cause. If you notice it when you press the brakes, the smell could be from a seized caliper piston putting increased friction on the wheel.
The combination of heat and boiling brake fluid behind the smell will eventually cause brake problems. A seized caliper piston is easy to repair if caught early enough. If ignored, you could have your brakes fail unexpectedly.
Vehicle Pulling
Have you noticed that your vehicle is pulling to one side of the road? Bad calipers may be causing this problem to happen as well. The vehicle may pull to one side from one caliper applying more pressure to the brakes than the other. The car will then pull to the size of the road that has a caliper problem.
A collapsed brake hose can also be the reason for vehicle pulling, but this is more likely to happen just when braking. This is due to the brakes not being able to apply even pressure, which causes one wheel to slow down faster than the other.
Pedal Problems
Be aware of changes to your brake pedal, especially when it comes to how far the brake pedal moves when applying pressure. The pedal may go much farther than usual and touch the floor. This problem can actually have several causes, making it harder for the typical vehicle owner to identify. Common issues involve cracked brake lines that are leaking fluid, a lack of brake fluid, and thin brake pads.
A vibrating brake pedal is a different problem and could be caused by a warped router. Even a few millimeters in unevenness can cause that vibration to travel to the brake pedal.
Grinding is another problem that can have several potential causes. Grinding occurs when you have metal that touches other pieces of metal, which is why brake grinding is commonly associated with the rear drum brakes lacking lubrication. Another problem is that the brake pads have worn through in places, causing metal to rub when the driver applies the brakes.
Gravel being stuck in the calipers is possible, which is an easy fix. It is worth taking a look under the car if you recently went down a gravel road and now hear grinding. Removing the stuck gravel will fix the problem.
Brake Light Indicator
A brake light indicator on your dashboard will be the most obvious sign of a problem. Unfortunately, the brake light could be warning you about several potential problems.
Low brake fluid is a common problem that is easy to check on your own. The light could also be indicating that the parking brake is still on. Anti-lock braking system also use this light to tell you that something requires service.
Fluid Puddles
Have you noticed a mystery fluid underneath where you park your car? This may be a brake fluid leak. Brake fluid will be clear or brown in color, and feel slick when you touch it. Coolant is green, power steering and transmission fluid is red or light brown, and engine oil is light brown or black.
Visit Euroclassics, LTD, if you feel that your vehicle's brakes need to be serviced.